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The report of the 3rd Crosscurrent 3


After Houston, one of our member went to Mexico and others came back to Dallas. The official Texas tour finished at this point. 3 Texas artists toured with us. Thank you!!

So half of our member went back to Japan, some people went to NY, I and 2 other artists left to go to Marfa! Of course, to meet Judd!! Actually it was my dream! It's 3rd time for me to come to Texas and, finally I was able to reach there!!.

We saw outdoor sculptures and 100 aluminium sculptures that installed inside. Outdoor sculptures were.. excellent!! Judd use natural factor like horizon or sky or land, as a part of his artwork. I felt that he showed air or space with his sculpture. In other words he showed invisible things with using visible things. I felt the reason that he chose here. We participated Judd's studio & house tour. That was nice, too. He has two big libraries, meditation room, working space, living-space, kids room, pool, party space..etc. We found his tidy part, unique part and organic part from his house.

After this tour we went toward PRADA-Marfa! We arrived before the sunset, lucky!! There were a kind of joke-PRADA bag and necktie placed at the side of the shop. Funny..(^^;) Anyway, that was big day..!!

We experienced both of art and nature. Yeah, we went to Grand Canyon National Park and Death Valley. At the Grand Canyon we got snow. The Grand Canyon covered with snow was very beautiful. We were able to see it in the morning and evening. Evening one was mysterious and morning one was fresh. But..we need various cloths from T-shirts to down jacket! We saw Grand Canyon from various angles and felt long time to the land shape.

I also need to report about Death Valley. It's amazing! It has a lot of surprising spots. we went a kind of the bottom of land. I stand on that bottom which made with salt, and it's under the sea level! I ate a little bit, it was salty and tasty!! hehe.. then, we moved another spot called "artist pallet" There has all kind of color, yellow, green, red, pink, blue, purple..all!! This is nature..oh my..

I've seen a lot of places in these three weeks. All of those are great, but I couldn't take long time to each place. So if I have the chance to come again these places, I want to stay longer in one place and do something like hiking or camping to eat nature! And it will give me good inspiration and good affect to my artwork! Thank you for reading at the end.




© 2015-2025 Sachiko Miki

This site is a personal website that uploaded past works, 


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