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Great show @Tokyo Metropolitan Museum


The 5th "Cross Current" had held from 2019 Jan 20th to Jan 26th at Tokyo Metropolitan Museum in Ueno area, central Tokyo. This show is aimed for exchanging each culture. We had exhibition for showing each artworks, watch some galleries around central Tokyo, watch some Japanese recent culture and old culture, and had some parties etcetc.. I felt this show was really nice, artist and artworks have wide view, each artist have different way to present there idea with high level technique. they gave me some new awareness. And! I was able to meet her again!! Yes, she is a benefactor for me at the Balersfield in 2016. Yeah, course we went to hiking! I had so nice time..that was a very rapid week!




© 2015-2025 Sachiko Miki

This site is a personal website that uploaded past works, 


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